Belt Maintenance
Belt Cutters
In preparing belt ends for mechanical splicing, it is important to ensure that the belt ends are cut perpendicular to the belt centerline.
Where a splice is not accurate, the tensioned belt can misalign in service and / or parts of the belt can be subjected to excessive tension while other sections will have relatively low tension.
Both conditions are to be avoided and belt cutters can assist in ensuring suitable end preparation.
Examples of different types of belt cutters are provided below, courtesy of MATO.
The MATO belt cutters have been developed for conditions arduous in the mining and aggregate industries.
There are two types of cutters offered in standard sizes of 1200, 1500 and 1800mm.
The belt cutter incorporates a square to aid cutting the belt end square. |
The belt cutter MC can be used for belts up to 10mm thick and is available in standard sizes of 900, 1200 and 1500mm widths. |
The belt cutter MR can be used for belts up to 19mm thick and is available in standard sizes of 900, 1200 and 1500mm widths. |