Conveyor Watch

Conveyor System Performance Audits:

Testing and Monitoring
(Extract from Conveyor Watch's literature)

This service is a valuable tool for conveyor users, designers and equipment suppliers. It improves the conveyor system's availability and reliability and decreases maintenance costs by quantifying system performance. Conveyor Watch offers over 30 years of experience and over 500 conveyor investigations.

The monitoring system identifies:

The five main areas of application are:

The monitoring equipment comprises :-

The monitoring period:

This is variable, depending on the information required. A minimum of one week of continuous monitoring is usually required to capture all loading trends, as well as peak load starting and stopping conditions. in order to capture more specific events, such as belt breaks/splice failures or drive overload trips, a longer period of monitoring may be required. These events are recorded at high speed to allow analysis of the cause leading up to the instance of failure/overload.