Accessories for Industry

The MATO belt clamps for belts used in industry are proof tested to 1.5 times the sake working load to ensure that no damage or permanent deformation occurs.

Belt Clamps

The shackles are adjusted along the clamps allowing smaller widths of belt to be safely clamped.

The MA 1.0 belt clampset, safe working load 1.0 tonne; consists of aluminium beams and steel shackles. The clamps can be pulled either centrally with a 1 tonne pulling device or from the sides with two 0.5 tonne pulling devices

The MS 2.0 belt clamp set operates at safe working load of 2.0 tonne. The clamping beams and shackles are produced from steel. The clamps can be pulled with a single 2 tonne pulling device using a central connection or alternatively with two 0.5 tonne pulling devices using side connections.
The MST 2.0 belt clamp set is designed for use on troughed flat belts. The clamp set is the same as the MS 2.0 with the exception of the side shackles. The shackles open to allow clamping of the beams on troughed belts and are closed using a bar to lever them together, a pin is inserted to lock the shackles.

The MATO belt cutters are designed for safe and accurate belt cutting. It is very important to cut the belt accurately to achieve a good quality splice. The belt cutter incorporates a square to aid cutting the belt end square.

Belt Cutters

The belt cutter MC can be used for belts up to 10mm thick and is availabe in standard sizes of 900, 1200 and 1500mm width.

The belt cutter MR can be used for belts up to 19mm thick and is availabe in standard sizes of 900, 1200 and 1500mm width.


MATO offers an extenssive range of accessories.
Belt marker   Belt thickness indecator 0 - 30mm
Belt knife   Belt marking pen-silver
Hammer H1   Staple gun
Leveling knife   Optimat wire cutter

The MATO square is used in conjunction with the belt knife for cutting the belt end square to the edge of the belt. The squaring angle contains a slot to guide the knife blade; this facilitates a straight cut and safe operation of the knife.