Beginners Guide

Profiles of Troughed Belt Conveyors

In the process of determining whether a troughed belt conveyor is the correct type of conveyor for any given application, the layout of the conveyor plays a significant role.

One aspect of the layout of a conveying system is the profile which the conveyor must follow. To a large degree the vertical profile is limited by the character of the material being conveyed e.g. whether the material will roll back along the belt while being transported up an inclined section of a conveyor. To ensure that this does not occur, the designer must consider the material properties and must tailor the profile of the conveyor accordingly.

Assuming that the material properties, physical obstacles on the Plant and the process requirements are taken into consideration, the profile which a troughed belt conveyor can follow is almost unlimited.

Some examples of troughed belt conveyor profiles commonly seen are provided below :-