Beginners' Guide - Hansen Transmissions


Hansen Transmissions South Africa have kindly provided Ckit with a technical write-up for this Beginners' Guide, as well as some helpful information with respect to the maintenance and inspection of their reducers.

The content in this section is helpful, informative and relates specifically to the Hansen Transmissions' range of equipment although the generic principals relating to reducers is common to all types of gearboxes.


History of reducers. Types of gearboxes. Terminology. Helpful basic theory


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For brochures and catalogues visit the site Any further information or technical problems can be requested from the South African subsidiary .

Hansen Transmissions of South Africa :-
    Tel: (+27 11) 397 2495
    Fax: (+27 11) 397 2585


[1] Joseph Edward Shigley 'Mechanical Engineering Design' First Metric Edition.
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986
[2] Kurt M. Marshek 'Fundamentals of Machine Component Design' Second 
Robert C. Juvinall Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1991
[3] Dudley D.W. 'The Gear Handbook'
[4] Bevan T. 'The Theory of Machines'
[5] Various Hansen Transmissions literature