Beginners Guide
1. Introduction to Pulleys
This section of the Beginners' Guide is intended to provide the learner with insight into the types of conveyor pulleys available, provide a basic understanding of the factors which affect the design and selection of pulleys, describe the different components which make up a pulley assembly and indicate where different pulleys are used on a conveyor.
There are a number of pulley design criteria which the engineer must take into consideration when designing a pulley. Such information can be viewed by clicking on the other topics in this section. In addition, the design and calculation of pulleys can be performed as part of the conveyor design process, accessed in the design section of this Handbook.
In working through this Beginners' Guide the learner is cross-referred to the main menu of 'pulleys' where appropriate, to introduce the learner to the standards and norms applicable to pulleys. Also, this section deals mainly with pulleys for troughed belt conveyors. Pulleys for different types of conveyors i.e. pipe, Sicon, pocket etc. conveyors should consult the appropriate sections in the conveyors listed along the title bar at the top of your screen.
Should learners require additional information regarding the different types of belt conveyors available in the materials handling industry, applications where troughed belt conveyors can be used, details of the anatomy of troughed belt conveyors and so on, please visit the "Beginners Guide to Troughed Belt Conveyors" before proceeding through this section which deals specifically with pulleys as a component.