Fenaflex Selection

Details required for coupling selection are:

  1. Type of driven machine and operating hours per day.
  2. Speed and power absorbed by driven machine (if absorbed power is not known calculate on power rating of prime mover)
  3. Diameter and length of shafts to be connected.


(a) Service Factor: Determine the required service factor from table 1. (page 4)

(b) Design Power: Multiply the normal running power by the service factor. This gives the Design Power which is used as a basis for selecting the coupling.

(c) Coupling Size: Refer to page 4 table 2 (page 7 table 4 for High Speed) and from the appropriate speed read across until a power greater than that required in step (b) is found. The size of Fenaflex coupling required is given at the head of that column.

(d) Bore Size: Check from dimension table 3 (page 5) that chosen flanges can accommodate required bores.


A Fenaflex coupling is required to transmit 45 kW from an AC. Electric Motor which runs at 1 440 r/min. to a rotary screen for 12 hours a day. The motor shaft is 60 mm diameter and the screen shaft is 55 mm diameter. Taper-Lock is required.

(a) Service Factor: From table 1, the service factor is 1,4.

(b) Design Power: Design Power = 45 x 1,4 = 63 kW.

(c) Coupling Size: By reading across from 1 440 r/min. in table 2 the first power figure to exceed the required 63 kW in step (b) is 68,8 kW. The size of coupling is F90 Fenaflex.

(d) Bore Size: By referring to table 3 (page 5) it can be seen that both shaft diameters fall within the bore range available.


A Fenaflex High Speed coupling is required to connect a 75 kW 2 880 r/min. electric motor to a hammer mill which operates up to 8 hours per day. Both motor and mill shafts are 60 mm diameter.

(a) Service Factor: From table 1, the service factor is 1,8.

(b) Design Power: Design Power = 75 x 1,8 = 135 kW.

(c) Coupling Size: By reading across from 2 880 r/min. in table 4 (page 7) the first power figure to exceed the required 135 kW in step (b) is 179 kW. The size of High Speed coupling is 116X. (d) Bore Size: By referring to table 5 (page 7) it can be seen that both shaft diameters fall within the bore range available.

Fenaflex Coupling Selection


For applications where substantial shock, vibration and torque fluctuations occur, and for reciprocating machines e.g. internal combustion engines, piston pumps and compressors, refer to Fenner with full machine details for torsional analysis.
Type of Driving Unit
Electric Motors
Steam Turbines
Internal Combustion Engines+
Steam Engines
Water Turbines
Operational hours per day
Type of Driven Machine 10 and under over l0
to 16 inclusive
over 16 10 and under over l0
to 16 inclusive
over 16
Agitators, Brewing machinery, Centrifugal compressors and pumps. Belt conveyors, Dynamometers, Lineshafts, Fans up to 7,5 kW. Blowers and exhausters (except positive displacement), Generators.
0,8 0,9 1,0 1,3 1,4 1,5
Clay working machinery, General Machine tools, Paper mill beaters and winders, Rotary pumps, Rubber extruders, Rotary screens, Textile machinery, Marine propellers and Fans over 7,5 kW.
1,3 1,4 1,5 1,8 1,9 2,0
Bucket elevators, Cooling tower fans, Piston compressors and pumps, Foundry machinery, Metal presses, Paper mill calenders, Hammer mills, Presses and pulp grinders, Rubber calenders, Pulverisers and Positive displacement blowers.
1,8 1,9 2,0 2,3 2,4 2,5
Reciprocating conveyors, Gyratory crushers, Mills (ball, pebble and rod), Rubber machinery (Banbury mixers and mills) and Vibratory screens.
2,3 2,4 2,5 2,8 2,9 3,0

#It is recommended that keys with top clearance are fitted on applications where load fluctuation is expected.
+Couplings for use with internal combustion engines may require special consideration, refer to catalogue for "Fenaflex Flywheel Coupling Selection.


Coupling Size
F40 F50 F60 F70 F80 F90 F100 F110 F120 F140 F160 F180 F200 F220 F250
100 0,25 0,69 1,33 2,13 3,31 4,77 6,35 8,95 12,4 21,7 35,9 59,7 90,3 121 154
200 0,50 1,38 2,66 4,25 6,62 9,55 12,7 17,9 24,8 43,4 71,7 119 181 243 307
300 0,75 2,07 3,99 6,38 9,93 14,3 19,0 26,9 37,1 65,0 108 179 271 364 461
400 1,01 2,76 5,32 8,50 13,2 19,1 25,4 35,8 49,5 86,7 143 239 361 486 615
500 1,26 3,46 6,65 10,6 16,5 23,9 31,7 44,8 61,9 108 179 298 451 607 768
600 1,51 4,15 7,98 12,8 19,9 28,6 38,1 53,7 74,3 130 215 358 542 729 922
700 1,76 4,84 9,31 14,9 23,2 33,4 44,4 62,7 86,6 152 251 418 632 850 1076
720 1,81 4,98 9,57 15,3 23,8 34,4 45,7 64,5 89,1 156 258 430 650 875 1106
800 2,01 5,53 10,6 17,0 26,5 38,2 50,8 71,6 99,0 173 287 477 722 972 1229
900 2,26 6,22 12,0 19,1 29,8 43,0 57,1 80,6 111 195 323 537 812 1093 1383
960 2,41 6,63 12,8 20,4 31,8 45,8 60,9 85,9 119 208 344 573 867 1166 1475
1000 2,51 6,91 13,3 21,3 33,1 47,7 63,5 89,5 124 217 359 597 903 1215 1537
1200 3,02 8,29 16,0 25,5 39,7 57,3 76,1 107 149 260 430 716 1083    
1400 3,52 9,68 18,6 29,8 46,3 66,8 88,8 125 173 303 502 836      
1440 3,62 9,95 19,1 30,6 47,6 68,8 91,4 129 178 312 516 859      
1600 4,02 11,16 21,3 34,0 52,9 76,4 102 143 198 347 574        
1800 4,52 12,4 23,9 38,3 59,6 85,9 114 161 223 390          
2000 5,03 13,8 26,6 42,5 66,2 95,5 127 179 248            
2200 5,53 15,2 29,3 46,8 72,8 105 140 197              
2400 6,03 16,6 31,9 51,0 79,4 115 152                
2600 6,53 18,0 34,6 55,3 86,0 124 165                
2800 7,04 19,4 37,2 59,5 92,6 134                  
2880 7,24 19,9 38,3 61,2 95,3 138                  
3000 7,54 20,7 39,9 63,8 99,3 143                  
3500 8,80 24,2 46,5 74,4                      
3600 9,05 24,9 47,9 76,5                      

Rows Starting In Heavy Type Are For Standard Motor Speeds
For speeds below 100 r/min. and intermediate speeds use normal torque ratings.