Quick selection method

1. Select Coupling Type

Refer to Page 5 and select the type of coupling to suit your application. If an application requires a special purpose coupling, refer application details to the local Folk Representative.

2. Determine Service Factor

A. For MOTOR, TURBINE or ENGINE driven applications, refer to Tables 1 and 2.

B. For BRAKE or HIGH PEAK LOAD applications, refer to the Formula Selection Method shown on Page 9.

3. Determine Equivalent Horsepower

Refer to Table 3 - Under the actual hp required and opposite the service factor determined in Step 2, read the equivalent hp.

4. Determine Coupling Size.

A. Refer to Table 4 - Trace horizontally from the required speed to a hp value equal to or larger than the hp determined in Step 3. Read the coupling size at top of column.

B. Check shaft diameters against coupling maximum bores shown in Tables 9 thru 11 for the type of coupling selected. If a larger bore is required, select a larger coupling.

C. Cheek the required speed against the allowable speed shown in Table 5 for the type of coupling selected. For Type TSO Floating Shaft design, check the allowable speed from Table 8 on Page 17. If a higher speed is required, refer application details to the local Folk Representative.

D. Check application dimension requirements against selected coupling type dimensions shown on Pages 10 thru 19.


Select a coupling to connect a 450 hp, 1170 rpm electric motor to the reducer high speed shaft of a manoeuvring winch. The shaft gap is .1" to .2". The motor shaft diameter is 3.500" and the reducer shaft diameter is 3.000". The motor and reducer shaft extensions are each 6.00" long.

1. Select Coupling Type - To connect close coupled shafts (.1 to .2" gap), the Type TIO or T20 coupling is the proper selection. Type TIO is selected.

2. Determine Service Factor - From Table 1, the service factor is I.S.

3. Determine Equivalent HP - From Table 3, the equivalent hp is 675.

4. Select Coupling Size - (A) From Table 4, the coupling size is 1100T (B) From Table 9, the maximum bore with square key is 4.000". (C) From Table 5, the allowable speed of a 1100T10 is 2440 rpm. (D) Dimensions for the 1100T10 coupling shown on Page 10 satisfies the application requirements.

Click Here For Table 3

Click Here For Table 4